Food Chain Oppo

Kinja'd!!! "Jcarr" (jcarr)
05/25/2016 at 11:08 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!8 Kinja'd!!! 41


Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:11


Golden Retrievers are more of a food than Bulldogs are? Good to know.

Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:12


My line is just to the right of the Golden Retriever, but it wouldn't take much social disorder for me to remove the line entirely. (Yes, I have eaten horse burgers in the Netherlands)

Kinja'd!!! getFuckedHerb > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:13


please god go spray paint that line on it.

Kinja'd!!! Jcarr > Ash78, voting early and often
05/25/2016 at 11:13


That’s a slippery slope from bunny to old yeller.

Yeller burgers...

Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:14


Yeah, methinks this spectrum is not drawn to scale. That rabbit must be paying kickbacks to the dog for better placement. Asshole rabbits.

Kinja'd!!! Pixel > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:15


My line is between the golden retriever and the bunny. You know, between the carnivores & herbivores. Meat eaters make poor food.

Kinja'd!!! Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:17


Two animals to the left.

Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:17


Wait, isn't that the I Can Haz Cheezburger cat? YOU CANNIBAL!

Kinja'd!!! OPPOsaurus WRX > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:18


needs more lamb

Kinja'd!!! Jcarr > Ash78, voting early and often
05/25/2016 at 11:18


Mmm, those cheezburgers are gonna make that cat so tasty.

Kinja'd!!! JawzX2, Boost Addict. 1.6t, 2.7tt, 4.2t > Ash78, voting early and often
05/25/2016 at 11:19


I quite like horse, if more people knew how tasty it was...

rabbits, also tasty. can be good pets, mostly assholes. Interestingly I like sheep, ducks and chickens better than just about any horse I have met to date... they’re just so damn yummy....

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:21


I’ve eaten both rabbit and horse so... I draw the line pretty much where my survival begins.

Edit: Also that person who posted it looks like they’re an “otherkin”...

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:26


I usually don’t eat things that eat meat, but I’ve made exceptions. I’ve found bear to be pretty good, dog and cat, especially domesticated, would probably taste ok too.

Kinja'd!!! Highlander-Datsuns are Forever > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:28


I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten horse. I mean it’s just an elk without horns.

Kinja'd!!! yamahog > Ash78, voting early and often
05/25/2016 at 11:35


“but it wouldn’t take much social disorder for me to remove the line entirely”

Shoot, there could be a human on the far side and I’m sure some people would still say the same.

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:36



A: I eat bunnies they are delish

B: and I’m likely to offend some, but I find it hard to understand the pet/food line. why we seemingly arbitrarily declared that some animals are for friends and some are for food. I’d be really pleased to find out it’s because long ago we humans tried dogs and just didn’t like the taste compared to delicious cow (probably an issue that could be solved with a decent sauce). But I doubt we did.

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > Ash78, voting early and often
05/25/2016 at 11:39


No kidding. Between the rabbit getting placement before the horse and the cat getting placement before the dog, this thing is all screwed up. (Pro-tip, kitties: I eat the loyal pets last ).

Kinja'd!!! Andy Sheehan, StreetsideStig > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:40


It all depends on how hungry I am. If the horse and I are both starving to death, neither of us will starve to death.

Kinja'd!!! gogmorgo - rowing gears in a Grand Cherokee > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:40



Animals taste good.

Kinja'd!!! Brian, The Life of > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:41


The rabbit is on the wrong side of the line

Kinja'd!!! Clemsie McKenzie > MonkeePuzzle
05/25/2016 at 11:43


I guess it’s because the pet animals had a use at the time that required to keep them alive. Dogs protect humans, cat eat rats, horses are obviously useful, and so on.

Kinja'd!!! Pixel > MonkeePuzzle
05/25/2016 at 11:51


Animals that eat other animals tend to not taste as good, and are way more inefficient to raise.

Kinja'd!!! PotbellyJoe and 42 others > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 11:54


Silly rabbit. You come after horse.

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > Pixel
05/25/2016 at 12:00


I like the reasoning of your first argument.

but the second, man, we are raising these meat eating pets so easily that people just abandon litters

Kinja'd!!! Berang > TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.
05/25/2016 at 12:02


They’re using a snapchat (IIRC) feature that became a meme for like five seconds. And they eat animals apparently, so probably not otherkin...

Kinja'd!!! Berang > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 12:03


They have a lot of cats and dogs. But fish are underrepresented as are birds. Getting tired of this mammal-centric media.

Kinja'd!!! Pixel > MonkeePuzzle
05/25/2016 at 12:04


Yeah but there is a difference between eating unwanted strays and farm-raising them.

To farm-raise them as part of the food supply you’d need to raise crops, feed those to a herbivore, then feed the herbivore to the carnivore. At which point it makes more sense to just eat the herbivores.

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > Pixel
05/25/2016 at 12:07


or the crops. which is a pretty valid argument a vegetarian made to me one day. the cost of raising even herbivores for human consumption was a substantial waste of resources compared to growing food for direct human consumption.

I said it was valid, agreed with their point, then reasoned that I thought the effort for raising my steak was worth it :D

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > Berang
05/25/2016 at 12:10


Kids and their damn new fangled technology, get off my lawn!

Kinja'd!!! jmedarts > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 12:22



Kinja'd!!! Pixel > MonkeePuzzle
05/25/2016 at 12:23


Yeah. I have a good friend who is a vegetarian for that very reason. I admire his conviction, but like meat too much.

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > MonkeePuzzle
05/25/2016 at 12:37


Or if you have a big enough pasture, raising herbivores requires very little effort. Put them in the fence and let them eat, they don’t have to hunt because grass doesn’t run away.

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > BigBlock440
05/25/2016 at 12:51


I’m basically doing that accidentally already. So many rabbit love my lawn :D

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > MonkeePuzzle
05/25/2016 at 12:54


Set out a couple of snares and you’ve got dinner for the week.

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > BigBlock440
05/25/2016 at 12:58


I’ve considered it. As a kid I remember sitting with my dad as he skinned and prepared rabbits on the farm.

I suspect I would have to be a little poorer before I considered the effort to catch and prepare my own rabbits as worthwhile. But there might come a day :D

Kinja'd!!! Chinny Raccoon > Berang
05/25/2016 at 13:44


That makes it look like padding, would look a lot less impressive if there were only one cat/dog. Also, they forgot a sheep.

Kinja'd!!! JRapp: now as good as new again > MonkeePuzzle
05/25/2016 at 15:22


I’m pretty sure I’ve been sold cat or dog by street food vendors in the ex Soviet Union. Prepared right, I’m sure they taste fine.

That’s not to say I’d eat my dog now..

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > JRapp: now as good as new again
05/25/2016 at 15:28


for sure, there are places that eat pets. guinea pigs are pretty common fare all over.

yeah, I’m not endorsing eating your pets. just questioning how we all came ot agree that some are pets and some are food.

I wonder if you could find the breaking point, where someone would be desperate enough to cook a traditionally pet type animal for sustenance

Kinja'd!!! Shour, Aloof and Obnoxious > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 15:54


Nine more to the left, please.

Kinja'd!!! bubblestheturtle > Jcarr
05/25/2016 at 21:36


We draw the line where tastiness starts. And that line moves sometimes.

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > Jcarr
05/26/2016 at 09:52



